Ausländische Fach- und Arbeitskräfte

Integration project skilled workers for the skilled trades (IFHa)Ausländische Fach- und Arbeitskräfte - Englisch

IFHa in the Hildesheim-South Lower Saxony region

The IFHa project brings companies and refugees together. Its aim is to fill open teaching and job positions with refugees and/or immigrants. To this end, it carries out career orientation and aptitude assessment measures, arranges internships, entry-level qualifications and training and advises and supports refugees, supporters and interested companies.

  • We support you as a craft business with all questions relating to the employment of refugees and immigrants and also support you during training or integration into the company
  • We offer immigrants and refugees support with career orientation, finding language courses and providing internships, training and employment.

 IFHa project information

The IFHa project stands for the integration project of skilled workers for the trades. It has been funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Transport, Building and Digitalization since April 1, 2024 and is carried out by six Lower Saxony craft organizations. The Hildesheim-South Lower Saxony Chamber of Crafts coordinates the nationwide project.

Please contact us by phone or email so that we can arrange an appointment with you!

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